Office of Student Enrollment
Mission & Vision Statement
How to Apply
New York City has the most extensive system of school choice in the country. Everyone must apply to high school—even if you live in one the few remaining areas in the city that still has a zoned high school. We at Boys and Girls High School offer an array of academic courses, support programs, school activities, college accreditation, Career and Technical Education programs, and so much more!
Getting started
The year-long admissions process begins at the end of 7th grade, when children bring home the High School Admissions Guide. This guide explains how to use the DOE’s MySchools directory, which lists more than 400 schools, many containing multiple programs from which you can choose. The Department of Education holds high school information sessions in June or July to walk you through the process. Students and parents typically spend the fall of 8th grade researching options by attending high school open houses and tours as well as the high school fairs held in each borough during September and October.
Filling out your application
To apply, students complete and submit the citywide high school application online via their MySchools account, where they may list up to 12 schools, ranked in the order of their preference. The application deadline typically is in early December. Students typically find out their high school placement in March. We accept everyone who live in their attendance zone or interested in our school and its plethora of options.
- Be sure you are eligible to attend a school before you put it on your list.
- Don't list a school you are not willing to attend. If you are matched to a school you don't like, but listed it on your application, it will be very hard to get placed elsewhere.
If you move to New York City mid-year or over summer
If you move to the city after the high school application process is over, you will face some difficulties finding a school. Reach out to a Family Welcome Center, which will find you a seat, but the bureaucracy can be infuriating, especially if you arrive during the summer. Try calling our school or other schools directly to determine if your child meets their admissions criteria and if there is space available. You'll still have to go through a Family Welcome Center for admittance, but it’s helpful to go in with a list of schools that you know have space and are a good fit for your child.
What To Consider
There are more than 400 public high schools in New York City. Realistically, you will not be able to research them all. Our advice: Since students may rank up to 12 schools on the high school application, use our schools search tool to compile a list of at least 12 schools (in addition to specialized high schools). Try to visit each school on your list; if you can’t, at least attend the citywide and borough high school fairs to meet with school staff and current students. Ask lots of questions.
To help you identify if our school is a good fit, consider the following questions:
How is the commute?
Take a subway or bus ride to the school to see if the commute is doable. Think about what it will be like in the rain and snow, or coming home late in the evening after a sports event or a school performance.
Small school or large?
Small schools tend to offer more personal attention and a sense of community; their college offices may also provide better support than a large school because there are fewer students to serve. Large schools tend to have more sports teams, arts, clubs and choice in courses. We have the benefit to offer both.
Fast-track or laid-back?
Some schools are intense. They pile on the homework beginning in 9th grade. Other schools are less intense. They may have a more manageable work-load and encourage kids to relax a bit, especially in the 9th and 10th grade. Think about what's best for you. Will you thrive in an intense or competitive environment? Or, are you more likely to learn and excel when the pressure's off? Regardless, we offer a a blend of learning styles to be inclusive and sensitive to our student needs and we offer a true college prep curriculum.
"Chalk & talk" or collaborative learning?
Some schools stick to conventional ways of teaching: teacher lectures and standard textbook homework. Others focus more on group work, projects and may offer more opportunities for hands-on learning and field trips. We offer a blend of both learning styles from our diverse teaching community.
Your Options
Career and technical education (CTE)
CTE schools combine traditional high school coursework with professional training in a trade. Unlike the old-fashioned vocational schools that often provided bare minimum academics, CTE schools aim to have students graduate college- and job-ready. Students may take a full load of college preparatory courses while earning professional certifications. We offer multiple programs such as Electrical Engineering, Architecture Design and other programs in development.
Early College schools
Early College schools combine a high school curriculum with the opportunity to earn up to two years of college credit free of charge at a partner campus of The City University of New York (CUNY). Overseen by the Early College Initiative (ECI) at CUNY, Early College schools may vary in theme and length of commitment.